Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Thing #19

I wasn't a member of any of the listed communities, but I use IMDB all of the time.  Never again will I have to sit through a movie wandering where else I seen a particular actor!  I also use it to watch previews of upcoming films.  I started my exploring of the unfamiliar sites with classroom 2.0.  As I scrolled down the page, on the left, there was a way to look around by clicking on subjects of interest.  I choose History and Geography.  I found many pages of ideas with everything from Google Earth lessons to "Teaching History through Lady Gaga."  Like so many other things I seen recently, this ends up being quite a labyrinth, so you need to have a specific goal in mind or simply the desire to set aside some time to browse through and check out anything new and unexpected that may catch your eye.  Next, I clicked through all of the food sites that were listed under Thing#19, but I already have so many untried recipes bookmarked, clipped, and scribbled on index cards that I decided it best not to add any more to my collection, so I moved on to the Book sites.  I liked Shelfari a lot.  I liked how it was set up.  The tabs were easy to navigate, and I liked that it's connected to Amazon where I already have an account.  I also like Yelp.  It was equally easy to navigate and I used it to search for hotels and restaurants for our summer vacation. I also checked out the cities in northern Virginia we used to visit to see if any new, local restaurants had opened up since we moved and I checked out the ratings on some of our old favorites.  I ended up bookmarking Yelp and I added it to my new Delicious page. Concerning TeacerPop, I added a comment to James Johnson's page and I created a badge. It posted with my first name only on the "members" page, and I cut and pasted the badge onto my blog.

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