Thing # 1
Out of the 7.5 habits for lifelong learning, habit number two (accept responsibility for your own learning) is by far the easiest for me. I've always been comfortable reading and learning independently; I'm also usually pretty comfortable asking questions or finding a tutor if I am really struggling with something. I've never felt it was my teacher's responsibility to make sure all relevant information was hand-delivered to me by them. I also think that because I do enjoy reading so much I've always read a wide variety of books across a broad spectrum of subjects, which makes lifelong learning something that seems inherently independent to me. I do not think it has ever occurred to me that the responsibility should be anyones other than my own. Habit number six (use technology to your advantage) is definitely the hardest for me. I'm excited to be taking this class because I recognize there is so much I need to learn, and I genuinely want to learn it; however, because I've always been such a book, pen and paper kind of person it is extremely challenging. Even with this blog, I have to write it down on paper first and then type it. I just seem to think better with a pen in my hand. I really do want to be more tech-savvy, but it's intimidating, and I think I tend to fall back on whats comfortable and familiar. I can't really say specifically what I want to learn playing with 2.0 tools because learning anything at all will be a step ahead of where I am now. I am just excited to see what I've been missing and become familiar with new ways of doing things. Setting up the blog in class was much easier then if I had tried to figure it out without any instructions. I am a little nervous and uncomfortable having my personal thoughts put in a public domain, but I know I can control the content and not write anything too personal, and it is kind of exciting to put in an http: address and see a blog you've designed and written pop up!